Submission to authority is an extension of the obedience topic we had yesterday. We all have to submit to authority throughout the course of our life and so do our sons. A few that most people will submit to are parents, teachers, bosses, the government, and God.
But Peter and the apostles answered, "We must obey God rather than men."
-Acts 5:29
The greatest authority we want our sons to submit to is God, and teaching him to submit to authority as a child develops a road for submission to Father God.
Brooke asks, "When was the last time you told your son you were proud of a choice he made to submit to authority?" We need to give our sons the opportunity to submit (not step in and MAKE the choice for them), then celebrate the good choices that they make or let them see us praying for their lack of submission when they make poor choices.
For freedom Christ has set us free; may my son stand firm therefore, and not submit to a yoke of slavery. (Galatians 5:1)
Seek the Father on behalf of your son today. May God plant submission in their hearts.
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